
Decarbonisation for a healthier planet

Refinery Decarbonisation


  • EET is investing in decarbonising its Stanlow (United Kingdom) refinery by using hydrogen as a replacement fuel and capturing carbon
  • This will reduce CO2 emissions by 75% by the end of the decade, and will help the Stanlow Refinery become one of the first low carbon refineries globally!
Vertex hydrogen


  • Vertex Hydrogen is building the UK’s first blue hydrogen production plant with 1GW capacity supported by the UK Government’s Contract for Difference (CfD) mechanism
  • The company will be the catalyst for the UK’s blue hydrogen economy as it’s an exclusive hydrogen player in the North West cluster, leveraging a huge captive market
  • Essar Oil UK (EOUK) is an anchor offtaker out of 3-4 GW of demand from 30+ customers in North West
Green hydrogen


  • Significant investments planned to produce 1.1 GW of green ammonia and green hydrogen in India and UK
  • Of this, 1GW Green Ammonia will be produced in India (Gujarat) to be exported to the UK and other global markets
  • 100MW green hydrogen capacity to be built in the UK
Stanlow Terminals


  • UK’s largest independent bulk liquid storage terminal with a capacity of 3 million cbm
  • STL is making significant investments towards energy transition storage solutions
  • Our aim is to develop the UK’s largest biofuels and new energies storage
Bio fuels Hub


  • EET to develop 1 Mtpa of advanced biofuels capacity across the UK and India
  • To meet growing demand for biofuels driven by rising government mandates
  • Key products to include SAF, HVO, UCOME Renewable Natural Gas (Biogas) & 2-G Ethanol